Archive for Past Events – Page 3

July 21 Webinar: Data for the Future. Post-pandemic Strategic Planning for ED Leaders

Using data from the Emergency Department Benchmarking Alliance’s annual survey, Dr. James Augustine’s presentation will focus on the NOW issues in ED management, with the data to help guide the C-suite leadership. The Covid-19 pandemic-tested Emergency Departments (EDs) across the country are now adapting to a post-pandemic reality. ED visits are increasing in 2021, on a new trajectory from 2020. Data shows that around 70% or higher of patients are admitted from the ED, but an increasing percentage have long stays in the ED before being admitted, impacting staff and space capacities. EDs also manage care for many mental health and substance abuse patients, and there has been an increasing focus on directing them into treatment. This has led to opportunities for ED staff to seek to help these patients outside the law enforcement/EMS/ED pathway. All these shifts in patient care and management will lead to reevaluation and design change in EDs across the country.

For more information and to register click here.

June 29 Webinar: Precision Demand Capacity Management – Adapting to our New Reality

This webinar is sponsored by d2i and will be presented by Dr. Kirk Jensen and Alan Eisman. In the past, as demand grew each year in a fairly predictable way, groups could be successful “enough” with a back of the envelope analysis and corresponding modifications. The COVID-19 pandemic, with its dramatic swings in volume and acuity, has accelerated the urgency for deploying more precise demand capacity optimization and patient flow strategies. With professional salaries representing roughly 70% of the practice’s cost structure and with demand less predictable, the very survival of the independent group practice may depend on acutely and precisely matching staffing with volume.

For more information and to register click here.

2021 Solutions Summit: Beyond Resilience: Restoring Order in a Post-Pandemic World

Registration is now open for the 2021 EDPMA Solutions Summit in Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas from September 26-29, 2021. Mark your calendars and don’t miss out on some great educational sessions on the business of emergency medicine, networking with your clients, and catching up with friends. READ MORE