Archive for News – Page 7

EDPMA/ACEP Letter to Moda Health

EDPMA and ACEP sent a 5/5/21 EDPMA/ACEP Joint Letter to Moda Health regarding its new policy for emergency department claims that violates PLP.

EDPMA Advocates Against Auto-Downcoding

On February 22, 2021, EDPMA urged United Healthcare (UHC), not to implement its auto-downcoding policy for 99285 because it violates the prudent layperson standard. A week later, UHC announced that the implementation date for that policy has been delayed.

EDPMA Advocacy Successes

2020 was an extremely busy, but successful year for advocacy. To take a look back on all of EDPMA’s Advocacy Successes, please click here

EDPMA Education

EDPMA is providing education to our members in a variety of forms, including webinars, round tables, workshops, and the Solutions Summit. If you would like to present at one of these events, please submit your proposal here.