2025 EDPMA Solutions Summit

Join Us in Colorado Springs!
Mark your calendars for March 30 – April 2, 2025, for the Solutions Summit 2025, an unparalleled educational and networking conference tailored specifically for professionals in emergency medicine.

The Solutions Summit is the premier conference dedicated to the business of emergency medicine, featuring in-depth discussions on critical topics such as:

  • The No Surprises Act
  • Reimbursement and Regulatory Policy
  • Independent Dispute Resolution
  • Revenue Cycle Management
  • And much more!

Experience The Broadmoor
The Summit will take place at The Broadmoor, a stunning destination resort in Colorado Springs, offering breathtaking mountain views, luxurious accommodations, and exceptional services and amenities. We’ve arranged special rates for Summit attendees through EDPMA’s room block, ensuring you enjoy a comfortable stay without breaking the bank.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to connect with industry leaders, gain valuable insights, and elevate your understanding of the challenges and opportunities in emergency medicine. Register today, and we can’t wait to see you there!

Kathryn Bear from R1 RCM presents at EDPMA's Solutions Summit 2024

Aerial view of The Broadmoor resort

Why Attend Solutions Summit?

Attending the 2025 Solutions Summit has never been more essential. Attendees know that at this conference they can experience:

  • Exceptional Faculty: Gain insights from thought leaders and disrupters in the business of emergency medicine. 
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with like-minded professionals and expand your network. 
  • Cutting-edge Sessions to enhance your skills and knowledge. 
  • Innovative Exhibitors: Explore the latest products and services from top companies in the field. 
  • Exclusive Access: Be among the first to access best practices and industry trends.
  • Meals are Covered: When you register for Solutions Summit, we will provide you with 5 meals and food at 2 receptions.

Solutions Summit 2025 Schedule At-A-Glance 

Sunday, March 30 

  • EMerging Leaders Academy Class of 2026 Programming 
  • Programming curated by the Practice Management Committee, State Regulatory and Insurance Committee, Quality, Coding and Regulatory Committee and the Federal Health Policy Committee 
  • Opening Reception 

 Monday, March 31 

  • New Member/Attendee Breakfast 
  • Opening Keynote and Sessions 
  • Advocacy Lunch 
  • Programming concludes at 2:30 p.m. (MT) so you can enjoy the area. 

 Tuesday, April 1 

  • Sessions until 3:20 p.m. (MT) 
  • Closing Reception

Wednesday, April 2

Sessions conclude at 10:20 a.m. (MT).

Interested in highlighting your organization as a sponsor or meeting hundreds of attendees as an exhibitor?

For all sponsorship opportunities, click on the button below, and to secure your sponsorship, contact Sponsorships at [email protected].

2025 Summit Sponsors
















2025 Solutions Summit Exhibitors

American Board of Physician Specialists (ABPS)
American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP)
Aya Provider Solutions
Cascade365 Liquidity Solutions
Cleo Health
Coronis Health
Data Media Associates
Delphi Healthcare
Edelberg + Associates
EDPMA Career Center
Emergency Care Partners (ECP)
EPOWERdoc, Inc.
Health Prime
Kai Health
LightSpeed Consulting
Medical Business Bureau
No Surprise Bill
Office Ally
Payer Price
PHIMED Technologies
Phoenix RCM
Phycon, Inc.
Protected Harbor
Provider Resources, Inc.
Radix Health
Resolv Healthcare
Send-It Healthcare
Solutions Group
Ventra Health
ZOLL Data Systems
Zotec Partners



Here is what previous Solutions Summit attendees have to say about their experience.

The EDPMA Solutions Summit conference gets better and better every year, with the 2023 Summit arguably being the best ever. It provides attendees with incredibly timely content, always delivered by very well informed and prepared speakers. It lives up to its own mantra to “leave your egos at the door and focus on emergency medicine’s most challenging issues.
— John Holstein, Director of Development Zotec Partners


The EDPMA Solutions Summit provides valuable information that can immediately benefit emergency physician practices. It is truly amazing considering the negative forces facing our specialty and there was no sugar coating it; NSA, Burnout, Violence, Boarding, and more we still came away from the conference not depressed not feeling sorry for ourselves, not ready to fold up our tents or circle the wagons but instead energized to mobilize, advocate and adapt. As Abraham Lincoln said “The best way to predict the future is to create it.”
— Solutions Summit Attendee


“The groups who do not attend this conference will one day be working for the groups that do.”
— Damian Caraballo, MD, FACEP -Excelis Medical Associates, Inc.


As a new member and first-time attendee of the EDPMA Solutions Summit, I thought it was fantastic! I met so many great people, learned more about the industry (things I was aware of, but certainly not to the extent of what we covered) and I also just had a lot of fun. The coolest part for me was that I was assigned to a board member to ensure that I got the most out of the conference. We connected beforehand and met up at the opening reception. What a great way to welcome new members! Thank you, EDPMA!
— Z
ach LaValle – GoSB


The Solutions Summit was a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with old friends and colleagues, meet new ones and hear about the latest goings on within the business of Emergency Medicine. I am already looking forward to next year’s event!
Chris Sdao FTI Consulting